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Why my fitness journey now

I have not always been active. 

I remember being 7 or 8 and the chubby kid in the neighborhood. My sister and friend decided to try and help me lose the "baby fat" but having me run laps around the cul-de-sac. I didn't last long. Not because I couldn't run, but because I didn't have the motivation they wanted me to have. I didn't see the need to change myself. 

In junior high I was still holding onto some "baby fat" but I had true friends that liked me for who I was and didn't try to change me to fit a mold. While I had regular subconscious and self conscious thoughts about myself it never went very far. 

In high school I rediscovered my love of dancing and was able to enjoy it casually as a side environment to the rest of life at the time. 

It wasn't until university and early adulthood that I started going and enjoying the gym. I found a trainer I really clicked with and found joy in realizing the strength and power of what my body was capable of. I worked with her even through two of my pregnancies!

What changed? Life. 

Her life changed, my life flipped upside down. Trying to find time for myself, especially outside the house, with multiple kids at home was hard. Finding a way to be separate from a nursing child was hard. So I found a way to make it work, I started building my resources AT HOME.  

Game changer. 

20 minute workouts while a child naps, monitor nearby became not only doable but life. If the child woke, I could press pause without guilt. 

I have worked out with children beside me and on top of me. I have worked out early in the morning, late at night, mid afternoon. Whenever it worked for me and our schedule. I had flexibility to make it work for me. 

While I saw some results, you always get out what you put in. About 6 months ago I needed a change. I was bored with the videos I had been using,  with mixed success and commitment, for 6 years. I need something new. 

Boy did I find it. I am no longer bored. I am learning about myself, better fitness, better nutrition, and how to live my best life. I can't see myself getting bored ever again! I have found a community that accepts me and pushes me to be better.  And results? Got those too. Come back next time to see them!


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