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How do you Stop Living in the Past?

"Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it"

Learn from experience. 

So often we are advised to look back at what we've done, what worked for us? What didn't? Use those moments as educational tools to know what to do "next time".

I wonder, though, how much we actually look forward and plan for new moments, when we spend so much time looking back into the past. 

I'd love to find the balance of learning from experience and celebrating the moment while living for the future. 

There is more positivity and joy to be found in the small things by living in the moment and planning for the best in the future. All to often, reflection leads to over thinking, guilt, and feelings of being frozen and unable to move on for fear of not changing, not learning and doing it different. 

This is where I take a breath, roll mbfa m back my shoulders and leave the past in the past and need to trust myself to make the best choice moving forward. 

So for me, the best I can do, is repeat to myself:

If you're going to do it, don't regret it. 
If you're going to regret it, don't do it. 


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