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Time is Relative

Time management
 "the process of planning and exercising conscious control of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity. Wikipedia"

For years, I've been congratulated on my organizational skills, on my ability to get things done, to use my time and resources so well as to stand out from the crowd. 

I feel like it's always a house of cards. Balancing efficiency with laziness so as to get things done while doing it without a lot of effort. 
That balance can only take you so far. Especially if you decide you want to go further, push out of your comfort zone. 

"Work smarter, not harder"
But what if you already do? To do more still feels harder and off balance since it's still fights against the previous plan. 

So how do you change? How do you find a NEW balance, or your first go?

Take action. 


Focusing on the planning will stop you before you go. It can overwhelm and be the crutch to keep you in place. 

I am the queen of lists and schedules, plans and goal results. Too often, though, for my own goals, I spend more time planning and working through the options then in realizing them. 

For OTHERS, I know the deadlines and make it happen no matter what, often will less planning, prep, or occasion. 

Journaling, planning, designing. All good skills, and useful in their way. If they start taking over the time, though, and the action that you need to track isn't happening, I challenge you. 

Put down the journal and take action. 

Think less about the how, or even the why, they will come. 

Stand up in the moment and trust yourself to take a step. Then track it and build from there. 


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